Commercial Roof Restoration

Restoring Your Commercial Roof

Your building’s roof is a very valuable investment. It takes a beating from the sun, wind, hail, thunderstorms, and other forms of debris, which is why it should be inspected regularly. Most problems with roofs can be caught early and fixed before disaster strikes. The faster you fix your roof’s problems, the better it’s able to maintain its structural integrity and protect from water infiltration.

Roof restoration is one of the best and least expensive methods of maintaining and repairing your residential or commercial roof. Calling in a professional commercial roof restoration company will save you headaches now and in the long run.  You can extend the life of the current material and minimize the damage caused by leaking rainwater and debris. Our Dallas commercial roofing company, KSI Roofing, is a reputable commercial roofing company dedicated to providing our customers with dependable service and results.

Our commercial roof restoration experts have years of experience restoring various kinds of commercial roofing systems. Roof restoration simply put is adding an waterproof coating to your buildings existing roof.  This process is not only cheaper but also a reliable alternative solution to improving your roof’s resistance to the elements and water. It also reflects up to 98% of the sun’s energy. The restoration layer has a long lifespan and may be tax-deductible.

A Few Reasons Why You May Need Restoration

Degradation of Paint- If the paintwork on your roof is starting to peel, you are looking at a sign that your roof has started to fail. Your roof’s paint should remain in excellent condition, especially for a highly-visible commercial building, as nothing will put off potential clients like an unsightly roof. Moreover, the peeling paint is a sign that the roof is not reflecting UV as much as it should, and is inflating your air conditioning bills. Rain also plays a crucial role in keeping water on the surface, and peeling paint is the first of the many signs of water damage. Restoring a roof with bad paint will increase the life of the material underneath and add value to your home.

Water and snow damage- A less subtle sign that your roof needs professional restoration is moisture underneath your roof, damage and mold on the ceiling, and damp insulation. A properly-maintained roof should be able to hold regardless of the strength of thunderstorms, and if you hear dripping sounds or trails that indicate leaking, you need to call a commercial roof restoration company immediately. Other signs of water damage include mold and mildew on the walls, cabinets, and other top surfaces in your buildings, or rusting of ay metallic fittings in close contact with the roof. If you live in an area prone to slow-melting snow, look for water damage and signs of buckling.

Damage to the elements connected to your roof- As part of your roof inspection, you also need to take a look at your gutters, downspouts, roof valleys, insulation, decks, chimney, and other sections in your house that are closely linked to your roof. Checking these areas should reveal hidden materials, chippings, or poor sealing in areas where the roof had to be sealed after being penetrated. Damaged flashing, which is the impervious material installed to prevent water seepage, is another sign that your roof structure has been compromised.

The age of your roof- Like many other structures in commercial buildings, roofs do age, and the older they get, the more prone they become to stress, damage, and leaks. Stress from the sun’s heat, rain, wind, debris from trees, and pests contribute significantly to increased risk of failure. You should be more vigilant, especially if your roof receives a lot of foot traffic. Your roof should generally offer great service for 20-25 years, after which signs of damage will start to show. If your roof is new and is leaking, it may be a simple gutter or installation problem that needs restoration; however, if after 15 years your roof requires frequent repairs, you need to consider having it replaced.

Call Us For All Your Roofing Needs

If your roof needs to be restored, call our qualified Dallas commercial roofing company immediately to fix it. We restore all kinds of commercial roofs, including metal, modified bitumen, EPDM and TPO, PVC, and built-up roofing. The worse the damage gets, the more extensive the damage will get, which means more expenses and the risk that you will have to replace your roof, insulation, deck, and other structures. To determine whether our firm is a good fit for your commercial roof restoration needs, call our customer support desk today.